Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jumping ahead…

I am jumping ahead a little because I really wanted to document today.  The kids and I went to a park today – ALONE!  This was a really big deal for me. We have been out and about a lot, but always with friends or my mom or dad.  And while it is totally easier right now while Harper is immobile, she eats every 2 hours and it is hard to follow a running 3 year old while feeding her. Today I decided to brave the park.  I went to a smaller park that is not in our town because I knew it was a little more contained.  I am so glad I did because we were there 2 and 1/2 hours and Harper had to eat while we were there.  (Complete sidenote – while there I met a grandfather who takes care of his FIVE granddaughters from 7 to 7 everyday. Isn’t that amazing??)

The pictures aren’t the best quality because I took them with my phone:

IMG00749-20110303-1028 IMG00750-20110303-1029  IMG00754-20110303-1151


And because I LOVE a flashback! The last time we went to this park was when Hudson was about 8 months old:

We will be going here a lot more!!!!

1 comment:

Meg said...

good job mama!! i promise--the more you do it, the easier it gets!! enjoy your spring :)