We started Christmas morning off with our stockings (note the little hand reaching for the stockings):
Even though Huddy can't yet read or comprehend who exactly the guy in red is yet, Santa was sweet enough to leave Hud a note:
After a delicious breakfast of pancakes and cheerios, Hudson took a short nap. After he woke up the adults had our breakfast (homemade biscuits, eggs and bacon courtsey of Trent) and Hudson enjoyed a little more to eat:
After that we began opening presents. I am guessing this is the only year we will be able to shower and dress before opening presents, but it was kind of a nice perk to having a ten month old that didn't quite get what was going on yet:
We gave all of the grandparents a Hudson calendar:
After his afternoon nap Hudson was dressed and ready to go:
That picture with him reaching for the stocking is AWESOME!
I was going to say something similar to what Jenny did. That's a keeper!
Of course Huddy is adorable, but you look so good Megg! So fun to see everyone's Christmas pics!
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