Wednesday, January 12, 2011


People keep asking me who Harper looks like.  In my head I always think – she looks like Harper.  But, I snapped a picture of Harper today and when I looked at it I was blown away by how much we look alike. 




And yes, I have posted this picture of me (with the very questionable hair – which also kind of looks like Harper’s hair!!!) here when I was comparing it to Hudson.  This is the picture of Hudson:


The Hake Family said...

LOVE this! She looks just like you :)

mom said...

Hey! That was a "good" hair day for you!!!

treyandliz said...

I was just thinking about this the other day! I think she looks like your dad. Can't quite pin point it, but that's my 2 cents. I think Hudson looks more like you in that picture. Both are undeniably yours!