Friday, May 17, 2013


He is SO patient with her…and they love each other so much:


We like to celebrate everything…all year long around here:


We took a trip to Fossil Rim. Our resident nature photographer came along:

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Fossil Rim bluebonnets:


Our usual lunch place was a buffet that day (ew), so we stopped at Dairy Queen (which is also kind of ew).  There was an outdoor playground that the kids were all about:


There was also a rope ladder thingy that the kids were climbing up. Hud was ahead of Harper and holding her hand, helping her up. I may have turned to my mom at that point and burst into tears and said, “What are we going to do without him next year?” (and I might be crying again right now while I type that). If this were twitter or instagram, I would add #emotionalbasketcase

“Sleeping” kids:

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This was also the first day of swim lessons!


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