Dear Hudson,
You are fifteen months old!!! What a month we have had together. The big news, of course, is that you are officially walking! It took a while to get there, but over the course of an hour you took off and haven't stopped since. We are so proud of you. You are so precious toddling around and you are so curious about everything around you. Everywhere we go you want to explore as much as possible. I love that you still like to cuddle with us despite your independence. You play so well on your own, but you love it when we play with you - which we are more than happy to do. You still like to speak your own little language, but you went through a phase where the ONLY word you would say was "okay". It was quite hilarious. You still think big kids are the best and find anything they do hysterical. You get so excited when your daddy walks in from work, which we both love to see. You are still a very good eater, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop on that one. :) You love bathtime and are very attracted to water in general. I am hoping that means lots of time at the pool this summer. You still love music and the first thing you do at Nana and Papa's is head to the piano. Your little personality is coming out more and more everyday and it is precious to see. You are our sweet, laid-back little man and we could not love you more than we do!!!
Mommy and Daddy
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