Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Omaha Road Trip – Day 3 (Night)

We were so fortunate that our trip coincided with our good friends trip to Omaha!  It had been WAY too long since we had gotten to see them. We had not been able to meet their youngest child and they had not met either of our kids yet.  We were able to change that and hopefully will not go that long without seeing each other again!  We met up for a barbecue that night and had such a fun night! Our kids are getting spoiled with getting to stay up way late for special events this summer. :)

Harper was shy (of course) at first, but loved the swing!


Sweet Megan wanted to play with her so badly, but Harper is so painfully shy.  Megan was so sweet to share her special animals with Harps:

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Cute Will!

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Like I said – Hud is DYING to climb a tree! Kaitlin was sweet enough to try to help him.  She took great care of Hud that night!

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The Fasbenders have a lot of fun costumes to play with….Hudson decided to be a motorcyclist…in a heavy fleece jacket…in the middle of June:

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Then he tried out some skates:


Later he was a dragon:

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And finally a transformer…DSC_6756

Some whiffle ball broke out:

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Harper warmed up to Kristin in a big way and even let her hold her for quite a while!!!

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Hud was so excited to see fireflies he had heard so much about! The kids went on a firefly collecting frenzy!

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Kaitlin was very disturbed to learn that we don’t really have fireflies in the DFW area.  She insisted on sending home two with us, so we could start a breed here! :)

Eventually, it got too dark for pictures but the fun kept going!  We wrapped things up (late) and said our goodbyes – only to find we had a dead car battery!!!  After they kindly jumpstarted our car, we said good-bye and promised to see each other again soon!!!

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