Saturday, February 23, 2013

Allergy testing…

Poor Hud’s allergies have been well documented on this blog.  After a year of debating, praying and trying everything (not to mention two additional allergy related surgeries), we finally decided it was time for allergy shots.

The first step was the skin test. Now, I had the skin test as a child (as did Trent) and I CLEARLY blocked it out. The doctor told me to not even consider doing the skin test unless I was positive we were going to do shots. I now see why.  Trent was originally supposed to meet me to help me, but he got caught at work. I naively told him I would be fine on my own. It was honestly the most traumatic experience of both of our lives!  They stuck him with needles all over his back and he screamed with every prick.  After a few minutes his back looked like this:


As suspected, he is allergic to pretty much everything in nature.  This confirmed the decision to do shots for me.  He was miserable for 20 minutes because he couldn’t scratch it or anything.  I was promising him everything under the sun to make up for this experience (which is very unlike me).  After we finished, I made good on my promise and bought him a Captain American shield, Hulk smash hands and a Hulk smash mask:


Honestly, it was the least I could do for my sweet boy. I would have done anything to make it better that day.

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