Sunday, March 16, 2014

The big day!

Harper and I were ready to greet the birthday boy!  

I didn't get any pictures because I was videoing him instead :)

Birthday boy!

He had school that day.  That was hard for me, this was the first birthday I hadn't spent the entire day with him.  Luckily, I was able to take a treat up to his class and spend a little time there with him:

His Grandpa and Grandma sent a gift card for him and so we stopped at the store after school to pick something out. My Star Wars obsessed buddy picked this out:

Then we went to pick up his sister, Nana and Pop:

Birthday dinner!  Birthday boy picked Joe T's of mother, like son....

We came home and let him open his gifts from us. Skylanders (which he has been dying for and this:

His daddy made him an awesome Lego table!!!!

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