Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Potty Training…

Ah, the dreaded potty training.  Everyone kept telling me to wait until Hudson was ready and to be perfectly honest – I didn’t really know what that meant?  I mean how would I know when a 3 year old was ready?  Well, as it turns out it is like most things in life – you just know.

We tried in January and he was NOT ready.  It was quite possibly the most miserable 12 hours of both of our lives.  I tabled it and decided to wait a few months.  Every so often I would ask him if he was ready to go big boy potty and every time he told me “no, mommy. I wear diapers”.  Mercy.

Last week, on a complete whim, I asked him again.  This time he said “yes!”  Okay, I was not prepared. At all.  And frankly, the timing?  Not the greatest.  Easter weekend was coming up, we have  a trip (that includes a plane ride and a 2 hour car ride) coming up – so potty training was probably not the best idea right this minute.  BUT, he was ready. We had 3 open days.  So, we went for it.  And he did AWESOME.

For my purposes (and the purposes of our family scrapbook:)) I am going to record what we did…

We spent 3 days straight in the house, which is enough to drive us both crazy since we are on-the-go people, but it was necessary.  I pushed the fluids big time – milk, water, juice, etc. After the first initial accident, I asked him every 20 minutes (I can still hear the oven timer in my sleep) if he needed to go.  After that first one there were zero accidents!  So proud of our big boy!  I rewarded him the first couple of day every time he went with a toy car or a sucker.  By the end of the first day he was letting me know when he needed to go. 

Now, the public restroom?  That is a different story.  He pretty much refuses to go in public (and I can’t blame him – who likes a public restroom?) and instead holds it until we get home.  I have got to figure out how to get him to go (rewards aren’t even working), but I know eventually he will get there. 

Overall, he is doing REALLY well!  And we are very proud of our big boy. :)

Pushing the juice! :)  He wanted Harper up on the table where he could talk to her (don’t worry she was very well supervised):

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Checking out one of the reward cars:

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And yet more juice…:)


1 comment:

Aggie99 said...

Yea! And what you're saying is he doesn't want to echo in public? Giggle! :) So glad it's worked out this time around.