Monday, July 11, 2011

Big Girl Car Seat!


Well, we made the switch!  We switched Hudson to his big boy seat at five months.  Harper was just shy of eight months.  Hudson was a much more wiggly baby and was NOT comfortable in the infant seat and let us know it. He was much happier in the big seat.  Harps has been pretty content in her infant seat.  And truthfully, it was easier for me because she would nap in it in the stroller. So, I have been reluctant to switch her.  However, the day before this picture we drove to see Jenny and Keelan and my laid-back, non-crying baby screamed. The.whole.way.  So, the switch was necessary and VERY necessary before we drove to Omaha.  So, the above picture was taken on her first day in her new seat. Which was also the day we drove to Omaha. :)

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