I am not going to lie - being quarantined is not fun. I am not someone who enjoys being home all day long - we do better when we are out and about. However, the most important thing is getting little buddy healthy! So, we are making the best of it. Huddy has such an easygoing and sweet personality that it makes it a lot easier to stay in all the time. Here are some pictures from today, you can see that he looks a lot better already!
Is it just me or do you hate how that table says...
"Hi we're the bees, flying here, there, and in the beehive...."?? Not, here, there, and everywhere....
It is fun to immitate that thing though!
YES!!! I also hate how the catipillar is silly...what is that about??
Awww, you can tell sweet Hudson is just looking out that window saying "when, when can I get out of these pj's and go play?" So sweet! Yes, it is hard when you have to stay indoors, but you want to get him well! What is that neat wooden toy with the shapes? Griffin would be all over that?!?! He has a stacker by Melissa and Doug that looks similar and he is always carting those wooden rings around.
I'm glad the home is getting better and RSV free. ;) Did you get a new camera? Your pics all look so gorgeous with color, etc. I'm impressed!
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