Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Haircut!!!

I wanted to wait until after Harper’s birthday to get her haircut. Part of me wanted to cut it before her party, but I waited it out.  One day I woke up and decided that was the day! I couldn’t take it anymore. :) So, we loaded up to get haircuts. When I told Hud that we were going to get Harper’s haircut, he said he wanted one as well.  He hates getting his haircut, so even though he didn’t really need one yet…I didn’t argue. :) He went first to show her how it is done.

One last shot of the long hair…the hairdresser cracked up because there were two very long strands that started at the roots!


Getting ready.  Hud did great the very first time he got his hair cut (18 months) and MELTED the second time. I was curious to see how she did.

Started out okay:


Not so sure about this:

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Here is the thing about our sweet girl – she has a current shy streak. If she isn’t completely comfortable she wants to be in my arms and fast.  That kicked in right about now:

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A little painful for my girl, but look how cute her bob is!

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Happy in her nana’s arms!


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