Monday, February 14, 2011

Tummy Time!

I have a confession – I am failing Harper as far as tummy time goes.  I was diligent with Hudson.  Partly because he was the only child I had to worry about and partly because he didn’t mind it:

Harper on the other hand…not a fan.  And she may become a fan if I gave her more tummy time, but baby Harper is not a crier.  So, seeing her cry during tummy time breaks my heart:

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So, after photographing her heartbreak – I ended her misery.  Tummy time while laying on mommy totally counts right??


kate said...

girl, only 1 out of 3 of mine liked it. preston HATED it and would scream like i was beating him if i put him on his tummy. i think it's overrated! :) just hold that little munchkin!

kari said...

Hanna hates it too!! And I do agree, think its partly my fault...i hardly ever put her on her tummy! #1 Fear..mya stomping on her. But she also screams and looks do uncomfortable! YES...i will go with laying on mommy is tummy time!

Melissa said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Your kids are adorable. (My kids are about the same distance apart as yours.) The part about tummy time that is difficult here is keeping my older daughter off of the younger daughter. One way or another someone is going to end up crying!!