Monday, May 21, 2012

Friday night fun

We have been slacking on our Friday night meals at Joe T’s…life has gotten in the way the past six months. But, it is summer time which means it is patio time. :)  We started getting back to it a couple of weekends ago and cinco de mayo weekend was the perfect time to start back!

Miss Harper loves herself a chip!

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When Hud was about 18 months old or so, one of our favorite waiters started bringing him a pink cookie at the end of every meal.  Well, after 3 years of this he now expects it (who wouldn’t?).  Luckily, our waiter friends are happy to oblige (especially the one who started it!):


After dinner I was craving some custard, so we headed to get a treat:


I have a picture of Hudson at this age at this place and I cannot find it. :( I will have to keep looking.

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